Scottish Country Dancing
Do you love social dancing? Then Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) is for you. It is
very social, friendly, fun and welcoming. You only need a smile and a pair of soft
shoes (no high heels). In the Highlands we meet on Wednesday evenings, during
school term), 7pm to 9.30pm at the Uniting Church Hall, corner of Argyle (Illawarra
Highway) and Spring Streets.
When asked why I love SCD so much, my response was along these lines. SCD is
the joy of moving to foot-tapping music. It provides unabashed fun and friendship,
exercise for both our body and brain, the learning of new dances and formations
heightens our love of dance. It is the light and shade as we move to the music
adjusting our steps to get there “on time”, the euphoria of nailing it, not just as an
individual but as part of a set (ie we dance in sets (3-4 couples in each set)), the
feeling of moving as one with the music. Oh there are so many delights. The happy
smile on your partner’s face as both enjoy the dance. We change partners almost
every dance, so get to know others at the dance. You do not need to bring a partner
to SCD, just a smile will suffice. However, if you have a partner who wants to dance
too, that’s great, two new friendly smiles. We are a family – sometimes we see some
each other only once a year at Winter School or Summer School. Perhaps we live in
the same area and see each other weekly or twice weekly for dance and a coffee
catchup. We love to get together and will drive 2 hours and sometimes more to
attend a social, ball or weekend away.
I have been dancing since 1980 and have, over the years, made friends all around
the world. Canada, New Zealand, Britain, France, Germany to name a few. When
planning a trip I always try to make sure I can attend a class night or event when I
am in the area.
SCD is a living tradition. We do still dance some dances written centuries ago, but
we also dance those which have been devised since then and up to the present day.
I am sure Covid will provide new dances too. We have a large selection of dances to
choose from for beginners through to experienced.
Our umbrella organization the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) has
many branches in Australia. The website for Sydney Branch is
and they also have a Facebook Page – Dance Down Under – there is a link on the
If you would like more information contact the above which will give details of the
Southern Highlands group or you can ring me – Patricia Ashley 0414874152 or 02
4883 7578
Demonstration dances this year are –
Participation Dance for everyone – the ever popular – Dashing White Sergeant