Children’s Games
EGG TOSS NEW RECORD set 1 April 2023
Harrison Farr and Will Nash 63m
Brigadoon Games Sponsors
Welly Boot: Junior Eco Laundry (Mittagong)
Fergie Stones: U10 Girls Breakaway Education (Mittagong)
Water Toss: Adult Breakaway Education (Mittagong)
Water Toss: Junior Brendon Venner Furniture Restoration and Conservation (Bundanoon)
Kilted Dash: Open Male Angus Taylor Federal MP for Hume
Kilted Dash: Open Ladies Bundanoon Garden Club
Kilted Dash: High School Girls Bundanoon Guest House
Kilted Dash: K1 & 2 Boys Bundanoon Lions Club
Kilted Dash Primary Boys: Jordans Crossing Real Estate (Bundanoon)
Kilted Dash Primary Girls: Jordans Crossing Real Estate (Bundanoon)
Kilted Dash: Vets 60+ Male: Seemyshop2 (Albury, NSW)
Hay Toss: Open Ladies Mildenhall Guest House (Bundanoon)
Hay Toss: Junior Male Bundanoon Lions Club
Hay Toss: Junior Female Bundanoon Veterinary Hospital
Sponsor the games events at Brigadoon
By the community for the community
Would you like you to be part of the “Brigadoon” experience? Then help us by supporting these activities. Games sponsorship of $110 (inclusive of gst)
- Acknowledgement in the Brigadoon programme, include logo & or business card
- Acknowledgement in the Brigadoon web site, include logo
- Announcement over the public address system during the gathering.
Contact the publicity officer on 02 4883 7471 or email
Chloe O’Keefe shows her style when tossing a caber
Wee Heavy Weight
This event is for Preschool age participates. Participates can try their luck at tossing the caber
Fergie Stones
Participants line up one at a time, at the starters command, run to the first ‘stone’, lift the ‘stone’ on to the barrel (‘stone’ must remain on barrel). As fast as possible participants place all remaining ‘stones’ on the barrels. Winner is the best time for each division.
Hay Toss
For the rural lads and lassies. Standing with your back to the high bar and using a pitchfork, contestants try to throw a hay bag over the bar as far as possible. Each contestant has three tosses. The best of three throws to count. During the Toss the bag must not be touched with hands. The bag must pass over the bar without touching it. Distance is measured from the bar, the furthest distance thrown wins.
Water Toss
Cost: $1 = 3 Balloons. Partners face each other, one armed with a water filled balloon. Partners throw the balloon to each other taking one step apart after each successful catch. Certificates will be awarded.
Kilted Dash
Events for gentleman, ladies, lads and lassies. Competitors must be wearing something tartan. Announcer will call starters to the starting line as per program for the dash across the oval. Certificates will be awarded to each division. Volunteer Organisations assisting with the competitive events: Southern Highlands Air League, Chevalier College Cadets, Trinity Catholic College Cadet Unit, Wingello Rural Fire Service, Bundanoon Pre-School Parents & Venturers.
Risk Warning
The recreational activity you are about to engage in or view as a spectator may cause you physical harm. For example, you risk being injured by
- tripping and falling;
- being proximate to vehicles and machines;
- collision with an object;
- something that falls or is propelled forcefully on you;
- a support giving away unexpectedly; and
- other kinds of accidents including things done or left undone negligently in the management of this activity.